After half a decade of pivoting in my career (and accumulating an incredible breadth of experience in process.) I have finally landed at my Dream company. Aim Global. It's been a roller coaster with a step learning career but today, I'm fortunate to be a brand Ambassador, a network builder and a personal development coach with 5 years of sales and marketing experience. I've always been an entrepreneur at heart. Some career highlights: -In 2014, I joined Aim Global as a distributor and helped lead the multi billion peso MLM company expansion to thw Philippines. I drove new business. Acquired new strategic partners and improved sales alignment with Aim Global. -In 2014 some year, I was invited to attend the 2nd Asian networkers convention and expo (The biggest and the most prestigious event for Network Marketing & Direct Selling). I met world famous leaders, Trainers and Motivational speakers, researchers educato distributors and professionals from around the world to are engaged in direct selling and multi-level marketing industry like Tom Big Al, Vannessa Horn, and the like. -In Early 2017 I was hired by the largest Fast Food Company in the Philippines. I was recognized as most Valuable staff on my 3rd Month. -By the end of 2019, I Turned my passion into action and quit my job to do Aim Global full-time, I Helped the multi-billion peso comapny in expansion to 200 countries including in whole africa Europe, Asia, Papua New Guinea, and the middle East. I stumbled from startup to startup, failed a bunch (Learned a ton in the process). as you go forth on your own journey remember to (1) Dream Big (2) Keep learning and growing, and (3) Surround yourself with great people. SONNY