Stress can kill and time is an irreplaceable commodity. Life taught this lesson to me at the age of 17 with the passing of my father. Pat Butler was a brilliant and passionate man, who always bet on himself, and always won. During this time, he sunk everything into a new business. He was a year ahead of projected earnings, had a fourth child on the way, we just returned from our annual father/son fishing trip, and, that night, after his bike ride, we were going to go see U571-- his life was good. We never made it to the movie. My father died of a lethal arrhythmia while cycling. A financial planner assured him there would be no gap in life insurance coverage from a previous employer to his new company and the transition seamless. The planner not do his job, the plan was not in effect, and lifes course had my dad pass away hours after the prior policy lapsed. No one in the situation intended ill will, but life did not care when things were not done. This time, my dad did not win and those he cared most about were on the receiving end, with every facet of life affected. This event, left me with a lot of anger. Time and experience has taught me to convert the anger to drive. My drive required me to shift career focus from the patient to the clinician, from physiology to finance. Now, I serve as a Financial Advisor for healthcare providers, small business owners, and their families. To compliment my knowledge transition, I leverage the expertise of a team of Northwestern Mutual professionals to deliver a high level of service. The mission of Northwestern is to develop enduring relationships with clients by providing expert guidance for a lifetime of financial security. I work with people to identify their definitions of financial security and focus on solutions that can help make those financial goals a reality. I seek to connect with authentic, passionate, and well humored people. I help find the right solutions for personal, family, or business needs.