Starting my IT career in the insurance industry 20 years ago brought me into the world I know now and enjoy. Starting with a main focus on Automobile lines, I learned quickly the importance of adaptability and change. Adaptability being a change from IBM Databases, to Oracle, Oracle to SQL Server. Cobol coding to Java, Java to .Net. The emergence of "The Cloud". Change being working on a project only to be told months later, we are changing our direction. Most people cannot understand the life of todays IT Manager, but for me its the only way to keep pushing the boundaries of todays fast pace push to entice corporate growth. With multiple projects behind me, I have learned quite a bit more than change and adaptability. Database management, documentation, vendor management, governance approaches, CICD, and code management are but a few of the hats I am required to put on daily. Alfa provides me with the daily challenges I need to strive for personal and professional growth. The leadership expected of me is embraced with aspirations for more. In a final thought, with all of the challenges I face, nothing compares in stress or enjoyment than the challenge of raising my kids.