I am the co-inventor of FME, a widely used software product which makes it easy to integrate, consolidate and transform data from multiple databases and formats. FME saves significant time and effort for its users by quickly getting their data from wherever and however it is to wherever and however they need it to be. With more than 20 years of experience in product design, development and implementation, I am currently responsible for refining and optimizing the user experience in the graphical user interfaces (GUIs) of the FME platform. I also plan & oversee the continuing development of the FME platform from vision through delivery. Being very pragmatic and results oriented, I am able to take a vision and guide and motivate teams to solve the unsolvable. And then I work to market that solution to those that have the problem. In short, I make easy-to-use software that makes its users into data moving superheroes. At Safe Software we value long-term intercompany relationships and are able to work with competing companies in a secure and confidential manner. We work hard to be the Switzerland of GIS, by striving to find the win for customers and partners at every turn. As a FME World Tour Headliner & Survivor, I have been fortunate to travel to many countries and meet and work with so many diverse individuals and companies. Nearly twenty years ago, I co-founded Safe Software with Don Murray in order to: a) provide a great place for people to work including me!, and b) break down the barriers of data format and structure that were preventing good decisions from being made in a timely way by users of spatial data. Today, Safe Software provides a great place to work for close to 100 dedicated and skilled staff. FMEs reach has grown to include thousands of spatial data warriors in more than 116 countries across a variety of industries, including government, oil and gas, utilities, telecommunications, and mining. And the best is yet to come!